A video on what is TRUE WORSHIP.
I totally agree on what was presented in the video.
And life's indeed crazy and painful. Sometimes I thought of like 'Are we in Hell? Am I in Hell? Is this part of Hell?' Many questions arise. I can't imagine life without God. Everything's gonna be dull and black to me. When I was a non-believer in the past, I thought of what's after-life? What's the purpose of living when there's an end? What's the point?
Thank God that I know Jesus.
Still, I'm in this world. There are indeed sufferings. I can't take it. I can't bear it. It's too much. But by grace, I'm able carry on. By grace, I'm able to find peace in God. I've received living life.
I'm just gonna persevere.
I yearn for Heaven.
See you at the end of the race.